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How do I navigate the default Dashboard?
How do I navigate the default Dashboard?

Learn about the widgets available on the default dashboard.

Amanda Robinson avatar
Written by Amanda Robinson
Updated over 12 months ago

The Homepage takes the form of a dashboard, with different visualizations of your data. It allows you to quickly and easily spot trends and insights, and helps you narrow down areas that you may want to dive deeper into. You can create multiple dashboards, based on different metrics, which you can easily toggle between, to gain a fuller picture of your data.

Dashboards use both the metadata contained in your original upload and the analytics applied to the dataset by Keatext, offering you a wealth of visualization possibilities.

You will be taken to your Dashboards upon login. To access Dashboards from other pages in the app, select the Dashboards icon on the global navigation at the left of the screen.

It contains configurable widgets allowing you to customize a dashboard that speaks to you! The dashboard is user specific, meaning each person who has access to an organization can save widget configurations according to their own needs. Your dashboard can differ from your colleagues’ dashboard even though you are all members of the same organization, but don't worry you can also share dashboards with each other, to be sure you are looking at the exact same perspective!

In the following example we are looking at a dataset containing online reviews of Uber Eats from multiple cities.

Default dashboard

When initially generated, the homepage contains 8 widgets, this is called the default dashboard. These widgets can be configured, named, resized, and moved according to your needs. Additional widgets, up to 15, can also be added. We will go over these widgets in detail in a moment but let's look at our filters first.

Filtering your entire dashboard

Filtering your dashboard is a way of segmenting your data so you can look on a more granular level. Remember your default dashboard shows you all of the data in the entire organization - it has no filters applied to it at all. You may want to look at only one dataset, or even go more granular than that, only one sentiment in one dataset. There are multiple possibilities depending on the metadata available to you.

The Sentiment filter, located at the top of the screen, allows you to choose which sentiment categories you’d like to explore: Problems, Praises, Suggestions, or Questions. You can mix and match as you see fit!

We also have a sentiment category called Neutral. This option is only available on the dashboards, not on the Analysis page. This allows you to include comments that have no associated sentiment to be sure all comments as are counted in your statistics.

Use the time filter to filter the entire dashboard for a specific time period.

To filter further, select the filter icon on the far right. This dashboard level filter allows you to filter your entire dashboard - all of the widgets on the dashboard at once! Use this to filter by Sources, Record fields, Tags and even search for a Topic or an Opinion - basically, all of the same filters you see on the Analysis page.



The number widget has a great deal of flexibility. It can be used to calculate individual variables. You can calculate Keatext generated metadata variables such as comment count record count etc, as well the metadata contained in your original upload. The calculations available on your metadata include, average, count, distinct count, maximum, minimum and sum. The first two widgets on the default dashboard, Sources and Records were created using the number widget.

Pie Chart

The pie chart widget allows you to create pie charts of the metadata contained in your dataset or the metadata applied by Keatext. You can calculate by either records or comments. The maximum number of slices on the pie chart is five, with values over five being condensed into an "other" slice. You can add an additional summery value that will populate the center of the pie if you choose.

Time series (Records overview)

The time series chart on the default dashboard displays the volume of records and sentiment score, over time - you can chart by day, week, month, or year. It can be can be configured to display different variables from your original metadata along with Keatext applied metadata. Read more about configuring a time series widget here.

Bar Charts (Volume, Positive vs. Negative ratio bar charts, and Topics chart)

The first two configurable bar charts reveal insights instantly. In the example above, you can see which age range has the highest share of voice - speaking most in online reviews. Move to the Positive vs. Negative ratio chart to see HOW different age ranges are speaking of Uber Eats! If a certain age range has a high ratio of negative comments, you know right away that you have some issues to address with this population.

You can configure the charts to display the metadata variable of your choice, including Tags if you already applied them. Scroll over a bar in the chart to see the total in both frequency and percentage.

You can remove sentiments from the chart by clicking on the chosen sentiment in the legend on the right.

The Topics chart allows you to see which Topics are discussed most often, broken down by sentiment, instantly revealing problem areas.

It's clear that there is a lot of negative conversation around the Topic of “customer service”. It’s time to tackle that problem!

Top Comments heatmap

The top comments heatmap shows the intersection between two variables. By default, it is set to display the number of comments that contain both a given topic and a given opinion, but this can be modified using the filters at the top right of the chart. Choose the variables you wish to create an intersection with from the dropdown.

The heatmap can be expanded at the top right of the widget to view more results.

The darker the colour, the higher the volume. We can spot the negative conversation around shocking customer service in this example.

To click through to the associated records, simply click on the number and the records page appears below.

From there you can drill down to the individual Record to see the original text and all its associated metadata.

If a record was translated to English from another language you will see a toggle on the top right of the record detail. Flip this toggle to see the record in the original language.

Now that we know some of the widgets are available, and how to filter our entire dashboard for a different perspective of the data, let’s look at how to customize a dashboard, to tell the story of the data that you want to tell.

Here is a short video walking you through the different widgets available on Keatext dashboards.

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