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Configuring a Matrix Widget

Learn how to create a Matrix widget on a dashboard.

Amanda Robinson avatar
Written by Amanda Robinson
Updated over 11 months ago

All of our widgets follow the same pattern. You use the options tab to design your widget, for example pick the variables you want to chart, and then the filters tab to filter for a specific segmentation, if needed.

The Matrix widget follows the same principle but it is a touch more complicated, so a more in-depth explanation is in order.

The matrix widget allows you to combine data from a number of columns into one table. This allows you to create complex tables.

This widget works best when you have a mutiple questions that have the same controlled response possibilities, for example a selection from a dropdown.

For example Likert scale questions which use a 5 or 7-point scale, sometimes referred to as a satisfaction scale, that ranges from one extreme attitude to another.

Very Dissatisfied - Dissatisfied - Neutral - Satisfied - Very Satisfied

Question with scores for example NPS or star ratings also work well.

To configure the matrix widget, name the widget on the options tab. Then choose whether you want a count or a percentage value. Choose the columns you wish to display.

You can change the order of the header if you wish bu dragging and dropping them to the desired position.

Use the Filters tab to segment the data further.

Click on any cell in the the matrix to drill down to the original verbatim and its associated metadata!

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