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How to Export your Analysis Results?

Learn how to export all your analyzed data to create custom reports and visualizations.

Amanda Robinson avatar
Written by Amanda Robinson
Updated over 4 months ago

It may be necessary to export your results in order to create custom reports or visualizations using third party tools.

Exporting your results

Move to the Sources page and select the three dots at the right of the dataset you would like to export. Click on "export analysis".

The first column document_id is automatically added to the export, it represents a row in the original CSV file. The following few headers in this export type mirror those in the CSV you uploaded, and these are followed by columns containing the detected analytics. This type of export is ideal for reconstructing the full analysis because it’s a flat model of the analytics results displayed in the application.

Here's an overview of the exported analytics. We’ve used an Excel spreadsheet to show the CSV screenshots.

comment_expression - Reproduces the section from the original record in which the result appears.

comment_expression_field - The name of the column from which the comment_expression comes. If you have a survey, for example, you may have a number of questions, each in their own column.

language - The detected language for this record is indicated through the language two-letter ISO code.

comment_topic - Shows the identified Topic in its exact form, as mentioned by the respondent.

comment_opinion - Shows the identified Opinion in its exact form, as mentioned by the respondent.

sentiment - Identifies the sentiment expressed by the respondent (Praise, Problem, Suggestion, Question, or Mention (Comments without opinions).

group_topic - Is the Topic representative for that group, meaning the group is displayed using this term. Read more about groups here.

group_opinion - Is the Opinion representative for that group, meaning the group is displayed using this term. Read more about groups here.

tags - Any tags applied to the Comment are listed in this column.

Using Exports for Visualizations

Exporting your results as a CSV can be very useful for making visualizations. While advanced users might use Tableau to make interactive visualizations, any user can get great results out of Google Studio, Excel or a simple word cloud tool.

Here are some example graphs made with Keatext exported data and Tableau by a professional designer.

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